14 Aug 2007

Canigou Hash

This is a view of the beautiful Canigou mountain, sacred to the Catalans. It dominates the horizon from all of French Catalunya. In 2002 (or so) some expats and locals in Prades stated the Canigou Hash, whose Inaugural weekend attracted such Hash luminaries as Higgins and Likk'em (sad twats). However, after a few runs, and a couple of pregnancies, the Hash petered out. In 2005, Doggy and Sprout (ex MPH3) and our Own SBF resurrected the Hash, and there have been two more runs since, including one on Friday 3rd August 2007, which also included Hash Granny. It is now hoped that 4 or 5 runs a year can be organised, as well as some link-ups with the Barcelona Hash (and who knows, GDH3?).

So it was that Doggy (the hare), Sprout, SBF and Granny met up at the only bar in Nefiach. The trail was beautiful as you would expect, basically a tour of Nefiach and Millas, with fine views of the mountains - passing over a part of the Santiago de Compostella pilgrim's trail. Doggy entertained us with a detailed explanation of the workings of the local irrigation system. A barbecue by a lake followed, with lots of wine and beer. Doggy then demonstrated with his own irrigation system how to extinguish the BBQ flames.

On back to D&S's bijou restored village house in Nefiach for afters and a detailed discussion on the Luxembourg Caisse de Maladie featuring an inebriated Granny.

Next run: probably in October. On On.


Anonymous said...

Hi are there any more hash's organised near Canigou two newbies would be keen to take part.
On On

expat said...

Dear anonymous,

please send more details to thegarty@yahoo.com
